Pre chat questions

Use the pre-chat questions at the beginning of each chat to collect relevant information about visitors. Asking users for their name, email or customer ID speeds things up, as you can skip those questions later in the chat. Having such knowledge at hand, you are prepared to provide a better, faster and more personalized service.

Follow the steps to add pre-chat questions:

  1. Login using your admin account.
  2. Go to Chat -> Pre chat questions.

We have 7 types of preset question types which we can make use of to collect basic customer contact info or create a pre chat survey.

Question Types

  1. Description: lets you add a short text, it could be, e.g. an introductory message or a description of the pre-chat questions.
  2. Name: collects user’s name (this field can be used only once in a survey).
  3. Email: collects user’s e-mail (this field can be used only once in a survey).
  4. Question: collects short, open-ended answers.
  5. Single choice list: lets your visitors select one answer from a defined list of choices.
  6. Dropdown: allows users to choose one answer from a list of choices presented in a dropdown menu.
  7. Multiple choice list: lets your visitors select more than one answer from a defined list of choices.

While the organization setup, by default the pre chat questions are active with the following default pre-chat questions will be created.

  • type Description -> "Please fill in the form to start chatting."
  • type Email -> "Email"

Anytime we can activate/deactivate pre-chat questions.

If we add Name & Email as pre-chat questions, then the response will also be updated in ChatVisitor's Name & Email respectively, but the remaining responses will be stored only as a pre chat response. We can also re-arrange the order of questions by dragging & dropping the items in the list.
There is also an option to make the question as required before submitting the form, this option can be enabled/disable via the required check box.

Neetochat preview will be displayed if the Pre-chat questions are enabled. We get to see the preview of the Neetochat on the right side bottom corner by default, with the latest modified pre-chat questions.

Responses to pre-chat questions can be viewed in the visitor info area of the inbox page.

Chat Pre-chat questions